surat tersebut membuktikan arwah datuk,nenek dan lain-lain orang kerinchi pernah membuat penempatan di bukit nenas kuala lumpur pada zaman kolonial british dahulu..setelah tanah kawasan tersebut diambil alih/dibeli oleh pemerintah..saya tidak pasti..maka orang kerinchi atau mandaling berpindah ke tempat lain..membuka penempatan di hulu langat,kawasan yg sewaktu dengannya.. atau mendapat tanah di mukim petaling (seri kembangan) seperti tersebut dalam surat itu..
Bukit Nanas Forest Reserve
Bukit Nanas near Kuala Lumpur Tower is one of the oldest permanent forest reserve in the country. It was gazetted in 1906 and was formerly known as Bucket Weld Forest Reserve. It covers an area of approximately 11 hectares and is the only remaining tropical rainforest in the heart of the city of Kuala Lumpur. Bukit Nenas Forest Reserve is the only remaining tropical rainforest that still stands tall in the middle of the city, it is one of the oldest forest reserves in the country. It is considered the ‘Green Lung’ of Kuala Lumpur.
Visitor's Info :
Visitors have a chances to see the rich variety of flora that flourishes within the forest includes rare herbs, creepers, ferns, climbers and giant bamboo grasses. There are a few nature trails that you can follow in this forest reserve. The Merbau Trail is about 361m long and the Jelutong Trail is about 300m long. Others, more facilities can found here like playground, gazebo, campsite etc. There has one of Information Centre with a lot information about forestry.
Visiting Hours
7.00am to 6.00pm daily including weekends and public holidays.
Entrance Fee
Free of charge
For further information, please contact :
Pejabat Hutan Wilayah Persekutuan
Lot 240, Bukit Nanas, Jalan Raja Chulan
50250 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel : 03-20706342
Related Link :
Official Website of JPSM
The Bukit Nanas Forest was formerly known in 1906 as Bucket Weld Forest Reserve. It was also gazetted as a Wildlife Reserve and Bird Sanctuary in 1934 and in 1950, a pristine section of about five hectares was gazetted as a Virgin Jungle Reserve for forestry research and scientific studies.
The Oldest Gazetted Forest
The Bukit Nanas Forest which is the only oldest gazetted forest reserve in the country is also classified as a Lowland Dipterocarp Forest, where you can find some dominant tree species including Meranti pa'ang (Shorea bracteolata), Keruing bulu (Dipterocarpus baudii), Kapur (Dryobalanops aromatica), Mersawa (Anisoptera spp.), Jelutong (Dyera costulata), Kedondong (Canarium spp., Dacryyodes spp., and Santiria spp.), Rattan (Calamus manan) and other indigenous plants.
If you like exploring, there are two jungle tracks that can bring you through this forest reserve. You can use the Merbau Trail which is 361m long or the Jelutong Trail which is 300m long. You can also use a cement track (from Jalan Ampang to Jalan Raja Chulan) for an easy walk or jogging. If you want to stretch your arms or legs, an open gymnasium is also available.
It's really worth wondering into the nature of the forest reserve! You can see many species of animal such as insects (a lot of them!), long tailed macaques, silvered leaf monkeys, exotic birds, squirrels and butterflies. There are also many species of plants such as ferns, palmaes, climbers, rare herbs and giant bamboo grasses.
menara KL

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